செவ்வாய், 19 ஜூன், 2018

4000 ஆண்டுகள் பழமை முருகு தமிழி எழுத்துரு சிந்துசமவெளி பழமை அகழ்வாராய்ச்சி அகழ்வாய்வு முருகன்

aathi tamil aathi1956@gmail.com

பிப். 10
பெறுநர்: எனக்கு
The discovery of a Neolithic stone Celt, a hand-held axe, with the Indus script on it at a place called Sembian-Kandiyur in Tamilnadu is, according to Iravatham Mahadevan,
"A major discovery because for the first time a text in the Indus script has been found in the State on a datable artefact, which is a polished Neolithic Celt."
"This confirms that the Neolithic people of Tamil Nadu shared the same language family of the Harappan group, which can only be Dravidian. The discovery provides the first evidence that the Neolithic people of the Tamil country spoke a Dravidian language."
Mr. Mahadevan estimated the date of the artefact with the Indus script between 2000 BCE - 1500 BCE. Not only do the Neolithic people of Tamil Nadu and the Harappans share the same script but also the same language
உட்பொதிக்கும் படங்கள் 1

sembiyan kandiyur muruku 

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