Earliest HeroStone Inscriptions in India were in தமிழ் and Tamil Nadu.
These in Damili script were dated to 4th-3rd century BC by Dr.Rajan
and predate the Northern Ashokan Inscriptions which were issued in
Prakrit by Maurya King.
# ThingsWhichmakeUsProud
Photo credits: Thenkongu Sathasivam
https://m.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=1172937206184002&id= 100004032006695&set=a. 606529762824752.1073741825. 100004032006695&refid=28&_ft_= qid.6467951931257675685%3Amf_ story_key.6767623975745088173% 3Atop_level_post_id. 480683915643372&__tn__=EHH-R
These in Damili script were dated to 4th-3rd century BC by Dr.Rajan
and predate the Northern Ashokan Inscriptions which were issued in
Prakrit by Maurya King.
# ThingsWhichmakeUsProud
Photo credits: Thenkongu Sathasivam
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