திங்கள், 9 அக்டோபர், 2017

ஹிந்தியா விட தமிழகம் 4 மடங்கு டாக்டர் அதிகம் நீட் மருத்துவம் கல்வி

Siva Murugan Alsamy
149 doctors for one Lakh people available in TN but 36 doctors for 1
Lakh people in Rest of India.. Our Child mortality rate is very less,
malnutrition in kids is very minimal .. our helathcare could be
compared to world level..
Please dont come with saying NEET produces qualified doctors, MMC and
Stanley has produced more specialists who presented more effective
surgical methods paper presentations in Princeton compared to other
medical colleges, Govt hospitals in TN does more complicated surgeries
than the private hospitals in other states
# TNagainstNEET

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