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SenthilKumar Selvaraj
Natural calendar
Thamizh solar calendar
Thamizhan lunar calendar
English solar calendar.
Day = light, night = dark.
For English: day time starts after mid night 11:59pm and Indian
standard time following the same methodology.
For Thamizh: day time starts at exactly sunrise time (5am-6am).
English solar calendar systems is easy for writing system but not true
natural calendar systems.
Thamizh solar calendar n Thamizh lunar calendar systems matches
perfectly natural calendar systems.
Present Islamic groups are still following moon calendar systems.
Present Thamizh groups use lunar calendar systems only for important
events n celebration.
Solar calendar = earth revolution with sun.
Lunar calendar = moon revolution with earth.
In three ancient Thamizhan civilization,
Kumari Thamizhan civilization = sandhira vamsam = lunar (moon) calendar system.
Sindhu Thamizhan civilization = suriya vamsam = solar ( sun) calendar system.
Sumeria Thamizhan civilization =????
SenthilKumar Selvaraj
Natural calendar
Thamizh solar calendar
Thamizhan lunar calendar
English solar calendar.
Day = light, night = dark.
For English: day time starts after mid night 11:59pm and Indian
standard time following the same methodology.
For Thamizh: day time starts at exactly sunrise time (5am-6am).
English solar calendar systems is easy for writing system but not true
natural calendar systems.
Thamizh solar calendar n Thamizh lunar calendar systems matches
perfectly natural calendar systems.
Present Islamic groups are still following moon calendar systems.
Present Thamizh groups use lunar calendar systems only for important
events n celebration.
Solar calendar = earth revolution with sun.
Lunar calendar = moon revolution with earth.
In three ancient Thamizhan civilization,
Kumari Thamizhan civilization = sandhira vamsam = lunar (moon) calendar system.
Sindhu Thamizhan civilization = suriya vamsam = solar ( sun) calendar system.
Sumeria Thamizhan civilization =????
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